
Sleep Fast

Brauer’s Sleep Fast is a unique combination of herbal ingredients in a rapid melt tablet for fast & convenient sleep support.

In traditional Western herbal medicine:

California poppy is well recognised to induce sleep and reduce time taken to fall asleep.

Passionflower, to relieve sleeplessness & restless sleep and reduce symptoms of mild anxiety.

Sleep Fast
Sleep Easy

Sleep Easy

Brauer’s Sleep Easy Oral Spray contains California Poppy traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to:
• Induce sleep
• Reduce time to fall asleep
• Relax the nervous system
Brauer’s Sleep Easy Oral Spray also contains SereniTea™ Green Tea Extract, which is standardized to no less than 40% Theanine.

Sustained Sleep

Brauer’s Sustained Sleep is a unique combination of ingredients which uses sustained release technology designed to gradually release over 4 hours during the night providing long lasting sleep support. Lavender Oil provides relief from sleeplessness.

In traditional Western herbal medicine:
Passionflower is well recognised to relieve disturbed sleep, relax the nervous system and relieve symptoms of mild anxiety.
Hops, to induce sleep & reduce time to fall asleep and Skullcap to relieve sleeplessness.
Added Zinc for general health & wellbeing.

Sustained Sleep


A short blog for sleep


De-Stress Easy

De-Stress Easy

Brauer’s De-Stress Easy Oral Spray combines the benefits of herbal Rhodiola & Vitamin B6 in a mild tasting & convenient spray helping you get on with your day!

Rhodiola is well recognised for it’s beneficial properties including support for healthy body stress recovery & stress response in the body and mental stamina. Rhodiola is also traditionally used in European Herbal Medicine to decrease symptoms of mild anxiety.

Vitamin B6 provides additional support for your energy levels and immune system.

With SereniTea™ a decaffeinated Green Tea Extract which is standardised to no less than 40% Theanine.

De-Stress Fast

Brauer’s De-Stress Fast is a unique combination of selected B Vitamins & active herbs in a rapid melt tablet for fast and convenient stress support.

affron® (Saffron-Crocus sativus L) is well recognised for reducing symptoms of stress and mild anxiety & supporting healthy mood balance in healthy adults.

In traditional Western herbal medicine Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is used to soothe nerves.

Vitamin B5 provides support for healthy stress response in the body & B6 to support nervous system health when dietary intake is inadequate.

De-Stress Fast
Sustained De-Stress

Sustained De-Stress

Brauer’s Sustained De-Stress is a unique combination of ingredients which uses sustained release technology designed to gradually release over 8 hours during the day providing sustained stress support. KSM-66 Ashwagandha® (Withania somnifera) has been clinically trialled & supports healthy stress response in the body.

Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) to maintain mental clarity & support physical stamina.

Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) to relieve symptoms of mild anxiety in traditional Western herbal medicine. Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) to help the body adapt to stress in traditional European herbal medicine.

B Vitamins to maintain energy levels.

De-Stress Blog

A short blog for De-Stress