Your customers will love NYDA® express because:
Traditional pesticides kill head lice by targeting the nervous system, but unhatched eggs haven’t developed a nervous system yet.
However, all lice need to breathe. That’s why NYDA® express uses dual dimethicones (silicone oils) to deeply penetrate the breathing holes of eggs and adult lice and stop them from breathing.
This innovative suffocation technique is scientifically proven to kill head lice at all stages of the life cycle and stop an infestation in its tracks.
For a limited time, get 20% off when you order 12 units or more of NYDA® express.
If the initial treatment does not completely cover all hair, some eggs may not be killed and may hatch 7-8 days later. As such, we recommend checking the hair again 8-10 days after treatment. If any live lice are found, repeat treatment and check hair again in a further 8-10 days. If no live lice are found, repeat treatment is not necessary.